Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Probiotics Brigade |

mean for life; and are useful for human physiology. Probiotics health benefitsfor the human body are reintroduction of useful bacteria into one?s gut. These useful bacteria create large & healthy colonies that crowd the Candida yeast inside, and thereby help to regulate stomach acidity, and, do boost up the human immune system.

The leading brands understand the importance of proper digestion and sensible dietary choices , in order for the body to obtain proper nutrition, which is required for maintaining an optimal level of- mental and physical health.

Brands such as Renew life, have dedicated themselves to this cause, and do supply a comprehensive range of Probiotics supplements. More people today are getting aware of this neglected anatomic reality, for the efforts of these manufacturers. Their product range is committed to the cause of supporting human body to optimize digestion and have an effective internal immune system.

They have put in a thorough research to come out with ? the high-potency, multi-billion-count formulas. They combine Probiotics strains in fewer no. of capsules, in order to have a larger count and provide maximum effectiveness. They do have the capsules (advanced delayed release capsules) to help in protecting the count of live Probiotics, from the harsh stomach acids, and then transport these secured and useful Probiotics to the intestines, as these are needed the most in human intestines.

For those who can, a no. of Probiotics boosting diets are available in natural form. Vegetables like raw garlic, cucumber, artichoke, cabbage, cauliflower, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, spinach, turnip and broccoli. Curd and yoghurt are useful Probiotics and help in cleansing of the inner system, also helps in maintaining a healthy digestive tract. Small quantity of nuts and seeds are also rich Probiotics, and must be a part of routine diet. For others, they can substitute the Probiotics needs thru the intake of Probiotics Supplements as readily available.

Importance of Probiotics

* Probiotics, in simple terms, are live micro organisms- bacteria / yeast, which help the body to maintain a necessary bacteria balance count in the body, especially in our digestive organs & digestive channel. Almost 75% of body?s immune system is located in the digestive channel, so when that balance is upset, the body?s immunity is hurt, and it makes the body more illness prone.

* We may recall the words of old wisdom from our grand parents, when they insisted the importance of proper digestion for a healthy active body. While for most common illness, doctors insist on proper foods that help better digestion, meaning the body immunity is affected by bacteria imbalance.

* The suggested bacteria count in a normal intestine human body is

4:1- of Good (useful) Bacteria: Harmful Bacteria.

Unavoidable factors pertinent to ? diet, stress, illness, and exposure to toxic substances are causes of the bacteria imbalance. Antibiotics & Anti- Bacteria hand wash can not differentiate and can kill the good bacteria along with the bad ones.

* Probiotics not only help in prevention of diarrhea and diarrhea-related illnesses, but also promote lactose digestion.

* Probiotics help to maintain healthy cholesterol levels

* Probiotics assist in keeping normal blood pressure levels

* Probiotics reduce inflammation in the body

* Probiotics improve body?s mineral absorption

*probiotics for childrenare also available these days

Now this really is ? The Probiotics Brigade !!


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